For phone and tablet users, this HTML5 version may work better.

Baseball Super Quiz

Lite Edition

Baseball Super Quiz Lite Edition is a simple game we designed to showcase our idea, a Quiz Game based on the rules of Baseball.

This is a game originally designed to be used as a classroom activity. It can be used for reviewing material both solo at home, with friends, or in the classroom.

You can also play it as a party game with your friends!

Only local multiplayer (taking turns) is supported with Lite Edition, but we would like to work on a better version.

If you enjoy this game, please consider following us on social media and subscribing to our Newsletter.




We'd like to develop an expanded version of the game with online play, multiple platforms, better graphics as well as additional strategy options. More information is available on our website.

This kind of development is more expensive, and any support you can give will help! Any money we receive will be set toward the development of the complete game.

COVID is making things harder, but we're working hard to secure the talent we need to make this game a reality.

Thank you very much for your interest and your support!


The Red and Blue Teams are playing against each other, answering random questions from the chosen question bank.

Each team has four players taking turns at the bat. Each ball is a question. Pressing the correct answer before the time runs out will make the player run up a certain amount of bases.

  • On "Value" mode, they will run up the amount of bases set in the question value parameter (1,2,3 or Homerun).
  • On "Speed" mode, they will move more bases the faster you answer, up to a Homerun.

You'll get a strike if you don't answer, and 3 strikes will give your team one out. A bad answer will see the ball caught by a fielder and give your team an out. After 3 outs, your turn will end, and the opposing team's turn begins.

You can play with your friends, everyone taking their turn answering questions.

The game comes with ready made question banks for your immediate use.

With the Windows Version, you can create your own question banks by creating a .txt file in the "question_banks" folder. Please see instructions in the PDF Guide for formatting instructions.

On the HTML5 version, please select a ready made question bank in the menu.

Windows Defender Notice

The Windows Executable may trigger Windows Smartscreen. This is standard Windows behaviour. Please click More info and then Run anyway


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